
Agatha Angina is equal parts alliteration, bad puns and circus tricks.

Aerialist.Bottle Walker. Contortionist.

Agatha Angina is a multidisciplinary performer with tendrils reaching vastly in the circus arts. She has been performing since 2018 and has adorned many a stages across the West Coast in her tutelage. She is skilled in lyra, doubles lyra, mini lyra, contortion and bottle-walking and boasts of costume and prop production.


  • Choreography

  • Contortion

  • Aerial dance

  • Costume design experience

  • Vaudeville

  • Makeup 

  • Compact traveler

  • Character development

  • Prop design


  • Contortion table

  • Mini lyra

  • Lyra

  • Infineight

  • Rig

Events & Festivals

  • Crossbones Cabaret (Aerialist), Vancouver BC Canada, 3/23

  • Boyeurism “Winter Extravaganza” (Contortionist), Portland OR, 12/23 

  • Seoul School of Burlesque “Night Sounds” (Contortionist), Seoul Korea, 11/23

  • Wide Arts “All Hallows Festival” (Contortionist), Osoyoos BC, Canada 10/23

  • Cascade Equinox Festival (Aerialist), Redmond OR, 9/23
    Rose City Circus “Circles & Lines” (Aerialist), Portland, OR, 9/23

  • SHIFT Festival (Aerialist & Producer), Grass Valley OR 7/23

  • SOAK Festival (Aerialist & Producer), Grass Valley OR 5/23

  • Seattle Erotic Art Festival (Aerialist), Seattle WA, 4/23

  • Portland Erotic Ball (Aerialist, Contortion), Portland OR 10/22

  • “Metamorphosis” (Aerialist) officially funded by the Burning Man Org Organization), Black Rock City  NV 9/19

Recurring Gigs

  • SHIFT Festival (Aerialist & Producer), Grass Valley OR 7/23

  • SOAK Festival (Aerialist & Producer), Grass Valley OR 5/23

  • Dante’s Sinferno, Portland, OR 

  • Hubba Hubba Revue, San Francisco CA

  • Pan Eros Foundaion, Seattle WA

  • Wax Revue Burlesque Shows, Eugene, OR


Creative Photoshoots